
An IDOR and SQLi bugs leads to the leak of sensitive information.

Hello, I am Kranthi Kumar. You can read more about me here. In this blog post, I will share how I randomly found an IDOR bug that led to a sensitive information leak.

While randomly checking my bank details and stuff, I came across a web portal where I could check my uploaded documents. Thus, I began to review the documents I had uploaded. Interestingly, the document ID parameter is passed on the URL. Since I often check for IDOR and XSS vulnerabilities if anything seems suspicious, I attempted to change the document ID value in the URL. Boooommmm!! I accessed a document containing PAN card details, bank statements, and other sensitive information belonging to a person I don’t even know.

Realizing the vulnerability on the site, I conducted reconnaissance and attempted a basic SQL injection. I received SQL errors which could potentially lead to data exfiltration from the database. Attackers could easily dump the entire database.

Although there may be other bugs, I don’t have permission to conduct a pentest on that application. Even attempting the above mentioned activities was not allowed. However, I do have an account with them, which means my data is also at risk, along with that of other customers. Therefore, I immediately sent an email to the Bank IT team. One of the members replied, stating, “Our team is looking into the issue.”

IDOR and SQLi bugs

After two days or so, they remediated the issue, and I received a THANK YOU!!! email from them. IDOR and SQLi bugs

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